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@@Harris9696 I would put the kid into adoption
Definitely 47:04 the guy literally says to stay still but just runs anyway at the end it just seems funny to me

1:42 from so far

Plenty of people got hurt in this video so that we can be more careful hahah.
2:42 Pretty sure it wasn’t his first time hitting his head with that plant
he fixed the problem the other way around
by that i mean not being more careful
Pretty sure his wife is not as tall as him. From her point of view, it does not represent any problem and aesthetically it looks good
Ya think?

But it was last
Bro told that plant
21:47. I like how the dad looks pissed at his daughter as if that stupid setup is even remotely her fault.
Maybe she set it up

Even if she did set it up he could have said that this set up wasn’t a good idea and help her move it somewhere else
Nah, that’s a “of course on the first swing” mood.
@@sarahrivers8341 move it where bruh that’s a small garage
1:24 I love how calmly he says “I almost just died “. The guy that fell off the roof was lucky AF to survive.
Yeah, he did almost just die. Or have an arm or both arms amputated. This is why we ALWAYS without fail put an extra redundant jack(s) under the vehicle.
<---- Get a grip on it.
@@kevkyle123 You are a complete MoMo
He almost looked disappointed
The guy screaming “JULIE JULIE — It’s in here!!” 8:14 got me in tears.
What was that??, a cat, squirrel… a ferret?. It was so funny.
Looks like squirrel haha
With that reaction that better have been the murderous rabbit from Monty Python lol
I’m in tears
too hey
@@siyandanqiwa9171 exactly
That animal probably had rabies.
*I love all these videos he makes my day every day when I watch he videos*
Wonder where he gets the clips
Good stuff in this compilation.
Beep bop… I’m the Philosophy Bot. Here, have a quote:
“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed”
~ Carl Jung
They are bad at driving
@@imsentinelprime9279they’re part of one of the biggest content licensing agencies and have the right to use these user-provided clips.
6:22 If there wasn’t a video, it would be extremely difficult to figure out exactly how that truck managed to achieve that position. It’s impressive.
I’m glad I finally saw it; I’ve seen stills of the end result. I hope they gave a copy of the dashcam footage to everyone involved so they can try to explain it to their insurance companies!
I wonder what the cops first thought when coming to the scene
It was at this moment he knew he fucked up.
That’s why I started watching this compilation. I watched that 3 times to figure it out.
@@username_login_passwordyou might wanna visit Russia — such parking everywhere
3:31 That was like a scene straight out of Home Alone.
And that kid is gonna be grounded for a LONG time.
the scene its very mortal for eyes
@@francesco-97 Maybe not much if paint is water soluble,and i think it is.She should hurry in bathroom and wash her ayes many,many times,shouldn;t waste her time screaming like that,it’s anoying and also screaming doesn’t help u nothing.
This is the best one – almost thought it was staged and if so, perfect execution…if not, even better!
@@TheSRBgamer63A scream can also be a way to call for assistance if there was anyone else in the house.
It’s staged. Painfully obvious that it is staged too.
3:20 oh snap, Dave just fell three stories! Better yank him up by one shoulder and slap him on the back!
6:15 a wide open, smooth road with broad shoulder, no traffic, sunny day, and you end up putting the Penske truck on the second story of a house and taking out the grid. Incredible
Distracted driving at its finest!
There couldnt be better driving than this!!
Probably a sleepy driver. Overworked, sleep-deprived truck drivers are one of the main causes of truck accidents.
Steering wheel either fell off or dude really hated his in-laws house
And it looks like it was on sale!
Please please please please please, if someone has a fall like that, DO NOT STAND THEM UP! Keep them laid down, put them in recovery position and call emergency services.
I CANNOT stress how important it is to not move them…
yeah that that is scary as f
Looks like Russia, they were probably all too wasted on Vodka to use common sense.
Also that “shake it off” pat on the backs…
Yes that was also my first thought. I helped at the fire brigade for a while. If you fall from such a high you risk breaking your neck. This is particularly dangerous because in that situation you might not even notice it and start moving your head by your self. But moving your head can be extremely dangerous in that situation since a major part of your Nervsystem is locate in your neck. So if you move your head and have a broken neck, you may damage these nerves permanently and at best be unable to move anything except your head from now on or straight away just die.
So if you see somebody fall from such a hight tell them to NOT GET UP and NOT MOVE THEIR HEAD and slowly bring them in the recovery position while constantly supporting their head making sure to NOT TILT OR TURN THEIR HEAD and wait until an ambulance arrives. They will have something that I know as a “stiff neck” which is a special piece of plastic put around your neck to ensure that you don’t move your head untill they can be sure that you didn’t break anything.
99% that one is staged. You “conveniently” don’t see the fall *and* don’t see the roof anymore after the “fall”. The guy on the roof didn’t fall.
21:38 This was amazing the father’s face, and the daughters slow turn… I do seriously hope he wasn’t genuinely mad at her, just frustrated with the situation, he did what he thought was needed, didn’t think that it wasn’t large enough to prevent damage, his little girl did everything she was supposed to do… which was practice her swing.
At first I was like “He’s not really gonna blame it on her, is he??”. – But then I realized, this is an ongoing thing. She probably always manages to do stuff like this.
3:01 that dog
when you gotta go you gotta go 
3:10 Camera man had one job and blew it.
50:03 put the biggest smile on me, replaying it over and over with her acting that way both before and after being told they were for the dog!

I bought those exact treats for my dog once, and I always thought about trying one lol Maybe I will next time.
Boss: “how did you manage that”
Driver: “like this”
7:18 his day was going good and it just went down hill lol
It’s a wonder our species hasn’t gone extinct yet.
It’s because people keep having intercourse….
there are 8 billion of us

Darwins law taking its sweet time to kick in…
The day there is no electricity 99% of us will take that forever nap
I’m in a power outage right now… I’m prepared tho.

And we’re too dumb to stop breeding anyway.
But someday when the last smart person dies. Power outages will be deadly!
40:10 – That scream from the mother though…
36:21 Rest in Peace, Man!

27:46 I love the little silly “tehe” after they got stepped on by a moose, screamed and panicked