A review of the best TV news bloopers of the decade.
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“It’s a man actually, Derek.”
I was beside myself laughing at that!!
Was pretty though………
I lost it
“Check your panties…” had me on the floor.
The guy discovering that an hour is 60 minutes brings me unbridled joy.
Tony Hardy his face was perfect
4/4 of anything is all of it
Tony Hardy i can’t tell if he’s being ironic cuz the dude seems hella smart
@@raviolarts He was definitely ironic
“My brother used to break into our house and steal our tv”
But now, he’s *Dead*
Requiem for a Dream reference?
It’s for the best
N0rthGr1zzly I saw this comment as soon as the clip camee
Verry epic
“I so pale,,,”
[Stifling laughter] _”Y o u ‘ r e o n a i r e”_
“ I S O P A Y L E” “
She took it on the chin and came back like a trooper though. Good on her.
*mAam!* You’re on *AIR* (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)
I died

First time I watched this, I was watching her and thinking “what’s she going to say, she’s so oblivious”.
“oh you’ve been joined by a beautiful lady”
“That’s a man actually derek!”
He’s 37.
That killed me
Poor dude looks at camera like “yeah he’s right I’m a man.”
@@akshayarya992 More like: *YEETUS FEATUS*
The newsreaders voice when he says, “BUT NOW HE’S DEAD” is the funniest thing
That took me out, I’ve been laughing for 3 days now

Louis Browne I started screaming and it’s almost midnight and I have school tomorrow
“Can you reach it? CAN YOU REACH IT?”
@@bridgeidiot262 Hell nah, online classes are 10x better than going back to school
“my brother used to come into our house and steal our tv!”
This had me dying
I don’t know whether to laugh or feel sad.
Them laughin in background was best part lol
The way he said it in such earnest. I can’t stop watching

So confident and professional! “Check your panties!”
“Is an elephant heavy? Im coming back baby.”
She’s my favorite
what does that even mean tho
biggbeanz It’s like, an elephant is obviously heavy, so she’s obviously coming back
Thanks I didn’t know what she said
@@BigMastah79 ahh I get it now thx lol
Imagine thinking you’re going to be recognized for heroism on TV only to be called “Deedee Megadoodoo” hahahahaha
Its so disrespectful but its funny at the same time lmfao-
She died, it’s because she died lmao.
that’s my hometown news anchor lol
I could 100% see myself accidentally reading “Fed Up” as “F’ed Up”, I feel you my man
The alligator one, though….. “ hold him tight”
Man speedran every possible way of saying ‘I am’ in four seconds.
“For that, the hamburglar”

Always has me dying every time I see it.
I laugh every time at that!
I love the glare after
I just read this comment and literally checked to see whether I had written it the last time I watched this! That man is a legend!
2:56 … *Yeah*
23:50 The guy was in emergency mode. After he saw the hanging guy, his brain would only focus on saving the guy, and would not waste resources for anything else. That’s how we survive. This gentleman is a damned perfect example of humanity in action.
So funny but also actually very touching.
There’s no denying it was absolutely hilarious…
But there’s also no denying that man had his heart and mind in the right place.
That man is what humanity needs in life, some might think helping a dummy in danger silly but he has a great heart
@JustinCarbaugh She!?
@@jacobmarshall5391 He
Yo the part with the Bus stopping to watch the explosion and then leaving has me dying

Yes, I had to watch that one a couple of times.
The bus driver wanted to see it, too
The poor girl who bites it just after talking about how perfect the conditions were for running always makes me so embarrassed for her

“It’s the perfect condition for running”
Lmao, and falls 10 seconds later.
The thumbs up at the end
She made the mistake of stepping on the painted lane marker. They are slick as compared to the unpainted asphalt.
not me i think she was being snarky
The camera man zooming in on the cat was gold
bro’s a star and he didn’t even know it
That’s probably my favorite one, he reveals it so dramatically
The cat’s like, “Yes, I’m the cougar.”
It was a huge cat, it was
2 grown men on a news broadcast laughing a Hugh Janus is probably the funniest thing I’ve ever seen
Hahahahahahahahahaha guys will be guys

As in: Huge Anus, right?
I’m not a native speaker.
@@themorningnevercame8618 Yes
“Where there have been spottings of a cougar” dramatic point and zoom “but that’s not it, that’s a housecat”.
That bit had me on the floor.
Like the camera man keeps it on the house cat to be funny
3:10 -“How something so small can be so impressive?”

“Well Mark, you would know about that!”
I feel like she just confirmed that size doesn’t matter. Maybe I’m confused.
Like what did Mark do to her?
Brilliant move to be honest. In the time he spent figuring out whether it was a compliment or an insult, they would have moved on to another topic.