@@malikadiamond i suppose u dont understand the context of the comment in the video or your just slow i will give u time to rewatch the video and think why he could become evil , tip for you: it has nothing to do with the way he looks
Just because that’s why you needed glasses doesn’t mean kids that stands or sits close to the TV do. Kids do this for many reasons, needing glasses is not the most common reason. The most common reason is simply because they just can. They get distracted by the colors and objects on screen or too focused on a show or game to move back.
My 4-year-old niece does this and she’s got perfect eyesight. I did this when I was a kid and I had perfect eyesight.
Today not so much. My vision started going blurry years ago and I needed glasses, which I can’t stand! All these years and they still feel uncomfortable on my nose! I need new glasses too… Mine can’t hang on much longer. My mother actually thought I was making it up that something was off with my vision until I finally made an appointment. Turns out I was nearsighted asf. I went years with blurry vision too.
Parents are supposed to be the ones protecting their kids from traumatic things, not the ones causing the trauma. And then posting it online doesn’t help other parents and kids to know that this isn’t the best way to teach someone and especially a young child. Please do better
Once I saw the mazes- it’s ganna be game over for him

Yo fr
Fr tho
Haha same lol
Fr too many memories
This is where my trust issues began

Same my cousin showed me this
I’m ur 666 like and 5 reply ok
@@vintagebean3838 u commented 2 minute after urself hm ok so lol ok
@@Itadori-00 i just noticed
“I did what?”
0 in

skeleton moment

So unfunny
I knew the jumpscare was coming just by the fact that he was so close to the screen
I’m your 600th like
cirno fumo
I remember this 10 years ago when I was a kid lol
“I have a surprise for him”
“Oh god please no-“
A surprise Mormon priest style
@@saladlady1454 *Catholic but point taken
YouTube Shorts ahh comment
I don’t know why but ur comment seemed funny to me and I while drinking water saw ur comment

And u know what happen later
bro is closer to that 50+ inch tv than i am to my 24 inch monitor
same bruh
Damn bro you are packing

@@earthquakesimulationguyidk ayo he aint hard
This kid is gonna have a fcking amazing villain origin history
Underrated comment Hah!
Why Villian???? Just because he’s pretty don’t mean he going to he a bad boy !
@@malikadiamond i suppose u dont understand the context of the comment in the video or your just slow i will give u time to rewatch the video and think why he could become evil , tip for you: it has nothing to do with the way he looks
U don’t have to cuss bro calm down jamal
@@IsabelThegr8 he censured the “f***” word
His dad seems like an elder sibling..
they teach good things in odd ways
Thy kinda true but it fuuunnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyy
That’s how I feel with my daughter
Nah this is a middle/younger child lesson.
idk them but he might be the older brother
What did this teach exactly…? He’s still gonna watch the tv too close
Bro traumatized for his whole life
I used to do this to my baby brothers, they forever traumatized and I don’t care.
As a 21 year old who played this game when I was 5, I can contest that watching this alone gave me more anxiety then driving in heavy traffic
Instead of… mayhaps, checking his vision and hearing?”
Yes, very true. And that is sad.
Standing too near the tv was how my parents figured out I needed glasses. Lil bro needs glasses not this
In my case it turn out it was adhd
but true it’s better if they getting it check
Just because that’s why you needed glasses doesn’t mean kids that stands or sits close to the TV do. Kids do this for many reasons, needing glasses is not the most common reason. The most common reason is simply because they just can. They get distracted by the colors and objects on screen or too focused on a show or game to move back.
My 4-year-old niece does this and she’s got perfect eyesight. I did this when I was a kid and I had perfect eyesight.
Today not so much. My vision started going blurry years ago and I needed glasses, which I can’t stand! All these years and they still feel uncomfortable on my nose!
I need new glasses too… Mine can’t hang on much longer. My mother actually thought I was making it up that something was off with my vision until I finally made an appointment. Turns out I was nearsighted asf. I went years with blurry vision too.
@@Rosie_Rosebudits better to get his eyes checked. yeah its not the case with all kids…but most kids who do this hv problems with eyesight
@@janiregarciapinaga1544I have adhd. It’s not an adhd thing.
@@allgood5140 will in you’re case I guess
Many of you been waiting for my digital planner

First reply!!
No we haven’t
Parents are supposed to be the ones protecting their kids from traumatic things, not the ones causing the trauma. And then posting it online doesn’t help other parents and kids to know that this isn’t the best way to teach someone and especially a young child. Please do better
@@successfulusername bahahaha

When I saw that maze with that red ball I knew some flashbacks from my childhood
Fr same
Fr I start crying cause I have flashbacks of fun times as a kid and now I can’t do them anymore
Me too
Respect the last, he was watching Slap Battles

Blap Slattles
@@Vindzor38bro what
@@Vindzor38wtf bro
@@Screechplush-2017 you forgot to add OVERKILL
@@Screechplush-2017 ik but he said blap slattles tho
Bud playing sb on a tv, huge respect, i love sb
The scream literally caught me off guard

mah boi was grindin slap battles

I remember I watched this video with my friends on my bday lmao
Bros about to remember that his entire life
Bro was running for his life